Keyword Browse

For From the backbone to diversification: unraveling the evolutionary history of Ericales

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

Angio353 (2 Abstracts)
Angiosperms353 (1 Abstract)
biogeography (2 Abstracts)
Classification  (1 Abstract)
Dispersal (1 Abstract)
ericaceae (1 Abstract)
Ericales (5 Abstracts)
Evolution (1 Abstract)
genome skimming (1 Abstract)
Halesia (1 Abstract)
Hawaii (1 Abstract)
molecular dating (1 Abstract)
nuclear DNA (1 Abstract)
phylogenetic network (1 Abstract)
phylogenetics (3 Abstracts)
phylogenomics (4 Abstracts)
phylogeny (1 Abstract)
phylotranscriptomics (1 Abstract)
plastome (4 Abstracts)
target-capture (3 Abstracts)
targeted sequencing (1 Abstract)
Theaceae (1 Abstract)
transcriptome (4 Abstracts)
Vaccinium (1 Abstract)
whole-genome duplication (1 Abstract)
whole genome duplication (1 Abstract)

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