Abstract Detail

Conservation Biology

Magney, David [1].

Certification of the Professional Consulting Botanist in California.

The ethics of the professional botanist can have, and does have, a tremendous impact on the flora of the world. This is because the professional botanist, particularly consulting botanists, who assesses the flora of a project site and determines the significance of the impact the proposed project would have on the flora. If the botanists ethics are not high, impacts can be ignored, understated, or hidden. This has and does happen. Due to the potential damage to the flora of a region development projects may have on the native flora, the work, and ethics, of the professional botanist is extremely important. To help improve the work of the consulting botanists in California, in 2015, the California Native Plant Society created a program to certified field and consulting botanists that work in California. Certification is provided at three levels, Associate, Field, and Consulting Botanist, through examination, and agreeing to abide by the Botanists Code of Ethics. To date there are over 40 botanists that have become certified.

1 - California Native Plant Society, 2707 K Street, Suite 1, Sacramento, CA, 95816, United States

Botanist Certification
Consulting Botanist
Field Botanist
Professional Standards.

Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Number: CB5005
Abstract ID:152
Candidate for Awards:None

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