Abstract Detail

Conference Wide

Knapp, Sandra [1], Turland, Nicholas [2].

Navigating Nomenclature – Publishing, typifying, and naming algae, fungi, and plants (The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants).

Justification: Systematists involved in the taxonomy of algae, fungi, and plants need to have knowledge of the internationally accepted rules of nomenclature for those organisms, in order to properly publish and typify names, and find the correct names for taxa. Objectives: To learn about some of the core principles for scientific naming of algae, fungi, and plants. Audience: Anyone involved in taxonomy who wants to learn more about nomenclature and/or learn about what is new in the Shenzhen Code. Students and early-career taxonomists may find the course particularly useful. Description: Knowledge of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018) is important for those wanting to name new species or taxa at higher ranks, but it also provides the rules for navigating the sometimes difficult to interpret naming of the past ca. 270 years. This one-day workshop will cover some of the key areas of rules of the Shenzhen Code (Turland & al. 2018) that are needed for describing new taxa and for finding names and types for taxa already described. The workshop will have morning and afternoon sessions. Topics include effective and valid publication, all about types, and how to find the correct name for a taxon. There will also be an open session for participants to present their own specific nomenclatural problems, which we can discuss as a group and perhaps solve. The course is sponsored by the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), who support and facilitate the nomenclature of algae, fungi, and plants between International Botanical and Mycological Congresses (IBC, IMC).Participants should bring to the course an internet-enabled device to access the Code (or the print version), their own nomenclatural problems, and enthusiasm for problem solving

1 - Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, United Kingdom
2 - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum , Berlin, Germany

new names

Presentation Type: Workshop
Number: W10001
Abstract ID:4
Candidate for Awards:None

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