| Abstract Detail
Education and Outreach Small, Randall [1], Wienhold, Caroline [2]. Biology Booster Shot: Getting our Second Dose to Foster Student Success. We are implementing a 3-pronged approach to improve student success in introductory biology courses at the University of Tennessee. These are large foundational lecture courses for students in Biology, as well as other majors. Ten years ago we restructured the courses to follow Vision and Change (AAAS, 2011), and train faculty in evidence-based teaching. We are now ready to build upon those original efforts. We aim to improve student success by (1) enhancing tutoring and undergraduate TA involvement; (2) re-aligning learning objectives and pedagogical approaches; and (3) creating a culture of continuous pedagogical reflection and innovation framed within positive psychology.
1 - University Of Tennessee, Department Of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 569 Dabney Hall, Knoxville, TN, 37996, United States 2 - University Of Tennessee, Division of Biology, 241 Strong Hall, Knoxville, TN, 37996, USA
Keywords: learning outcomes peer learning assistant Curriculum.
Presentation Type: Poster Number: PEO005 Abstract ID:617 Candidate for Awards:None |