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Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

R (2 Abstracts)
race (2 Abstracts)
RAD-Seq (3 Abstracts)
RAD capture (1 Abstract)
RADIALIS (1 Abstract)
Radiation (4 Abstracts)
RADseq (6 Abstracts)
rainforest (1 Abstract)
Range expansion (3 Abstracts)
range limits (1 Abstract)
Ranunculaceae (1 Abstract)
Ranunculus auricomus (2 Abstracts)
Rapid Evolution (1 Abstract)
rarefaction (1 Abstract)
rare plants (16 Abstracts)
rare species (4 Abstracts)
Rarity (2 Abstracts)
Raspberry (1 Abstract)
Raton Basin (1 Abstract)
RAxML (1 Abstract)
rbcL (1 Abstract)
RDA (1 Abstract)
Reciprocity (1 Abstract)
Recombination breakpoints (2 Abstracts)
Reconstruction (1 Abstract)
recreation (1 Abstract)
Red Queen Hypothesis (1 Abstract)
Reference genome (1 Abstract)
REFLORA (1 Abstract)
reforestation (2 Abstracts)
Refugia (2 Abstracts)
regeneration failure (2 Abstracts)
regional flora (2 Abstracts)
regionalization (1 Abstract)
Regugia (1 Abstract)
rehydration (1 Abstract)
reintroduction (1 Abstract)
relative growth rate (3 Abstracts)
relative humidity (1 Abstract)
relative humidity manipulation (1 Abstract)
relative hydraulic conductivity (1 Abstract)
relative moisture supply (1 Abstract)
relict (1 Abstract)
Rembertus Dodoens (1 Abstract)
remote sensing (2 Abstracts)
Renaissance herbals (1 Abstract)
representation (2 Abstracts)
Reproduction (4 Abstracts)
Reproductive assurance (2 Abstracts)
reproductive biology (13 Abstracts)
reproductive effort (1 Abstract)
reproductive isolation (2 Abstracts)
Reproductive Success (4 Abstracts)
Reproductive transition (2 Abstracts)
Republic (1 Abstract)
Research (1 Abstract)
resilience (1 Abstract)
Resource allocation (4 Abstracts)
Ressurection study (1 Abstract)
restoration (18 Abstracts)
Restored vs natural seagrass blue carbon (1 Abstract)
resurrection plant (1 Abstract)
reticulate evolution (3 Abstracts)
Reticulation (2 Abstracts)
RevBayes (1 Abstract)
Rhexia (1 Abstract)
rhizome (1 Abstract)
Rhododendron (1 Abstract)
Rhododendron (1 Abstract)
Rhodophyta (1 Abstract)
ribosomal DNA (1 Abstract)
Rice (2 Abstracts)
Rio Pichileufu (1 Abstract)
riparian (1 Abstract)
RNA-Seq (3 Abstracts)
RNA CaptureSeq (1 Abstract)
RNAseq (1 Abstract)
rock daisies (1 Abstract)
rock outcrop (1 Abstract)
Root (1 Abstract)
root-associated fungal communities (1 Abstract)
Root aging (1 Abstract)
Root anatomy (1 Abstract)
Root Apical Meristem (1 Abstract)
Root characteristics (1 Abstract)
Root complexity (1 Abstract)
Root Hair (2 Abstracts)
Root morphology (1 Abstract)
roots (2 Abstracts)
Root shoot length ratio (1 Abstract)
Rootstock (2 Abstracts)
Rosaceae (3 Abstracts)
Rosales (2 Abstracts)
Rosids (1 Abstract)
RT-qPCR (1 Abstract)
Rubeae (1 Abstract)
rubellum (1 Abstract)
Rubiaceae (4 Abstracts)
Ruellia (1 Abstract)
Rural (1 Abstract)

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